Karl Ringelstein winner of the Collection source d’inspiration Prize
On Monday 1 July, the Fondation Etrillard and the École Boulle awarded the Collection source d'inspiration prize to Karl Ringelstein, a 3rd-year marquetry student, for his work entitled "L'écho du feuillage" ("The echo of foliage").
This diploma project was inspired by the foliage depicted in the Narcissus and Echo Foundation tapestry. It is a marquetry painting that, like a connected art barometer, comes to life to suggest the current weather conditions. The living foliage, breathing in a restrained, cyclical way, recalls the character of Echo, the nymph condemned to repeat the last words she heard. Echoing the winds, this object brilliantly combines aesthetic reinterpretation and functionality.
Made up of 2,700 unique pieces, "L'écho du feuillage" required more than 500 hours of work.
Congratulations to Karl Ringelstein, whose work joins the Foundation's collections.